[RESOLVED] Singularity pull password

Hello experts,

I am trying to pull the singularity container using the 3rd mentioned method. My username is adufford. I am asked to input a ‘Docker password’ and I am not sure what to use. I tried my Gitlab password and it did not work.

My command: export SINGULARITY_DOCKER_USERNAME=“adufford”
singularity build --docker-login qunex_suite-0.99.2d.sif docker://gitlab.qunex.yale.edu:5002/qunex/qunex_suite:0.99.2d.sif

Error: While performing build: conveyor failed to get: Error reading manifest 0.99.2d.sif in gitlab.qunex.yale.edu:5002/qunex/qunex_suite: errors:
denied: requested access to the resource is denied

Thank you!!!


the instructions say

singularity build --docker-login qunex_suite-<stable_container_tag>.sif docker://gitlab.qunex.yale.edu:5002/qunex/qunexcontainer:<stable_container_tag>

so in your case:

singularity build --docker-login qunex_suite-0.99.2d.sif docker://gitlab.qunex.yale.edu:5002/qunex/qunexcontainer:0.99.2d

Let me know if it works now.

Best, Jure

Hi Jure,

Thanks for the quick response and the quick fix. I realized I was trying to pull qunex-suite and qunex-container. It is now working. thanks again!

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