Hi there,
I am trying to use run_turnkey on several subjects (sessions) in parallel. I use version 0.98.1.
First, if I give the sessions
parameter a comma-separated list, i.e. sessions=001,002
, then the pipeline searches and creates a directory named “001,002” instead of two directories “001” and “002”.
An example call:
qunex_container run_turnkey \
--rawdatainput="${RAW_DATA}" \
--paramfile="${INPUT_BATCH_FILE}" \
--mappingfile="${INPUT_MAPPING_FILE}" \
--workingdir="${WORK_DIR}" \
--projectname="${STUDY_NAME}" \
--path="${WORK_DIR}/${STUDY_NAME}" \
--sessions="${SESSIONS}" \
--sessionsfolder="${STUDY_FOLDER}/sessions" \
--turnkeytype="${RUNTURNKEY_TYPE}" \
--container="${QUNEX_CONTAINER}" \
--turnkeysteps="${RUNTURNKEY_STEPS}" \
--parelements=3 \
--dockeropt="-v ${BIND_FOLDER}:${BIND_FOLDER}"
Where for example SESSIONS=001,002
Another thing I have tried, is to manually use run_turnkey in parallel by running it on single subjects on different screens, for example one time with sessions=001
and another in a parallel screen with sessions=002
When I do this, I get an error from rsync:
===> RUNNING run_turnkey step ~~~ map_raw_data
--> Note: /home/docker/volumes/hcppipelines/asaf/sessions/002 not found. Creating one now.
--> Running turnkey via local: a6df11001e53
-- Linking DICOMs into /home/docker/volumes/hcppipelines/asaf/sessions/002/inbox
-- Running rsync: rsync -azH --exclude "*.xml" --exclude "*.gif" --exclude "*.sh" --exclude "*.txt" --exclude ".*" ${CaseInputFile}/ ${QuNexRawInboxDir}
/opt/qunex/bash/qx_utilities/run_turnkey.sh: line 1846: 6436 Segmentation fault (core dumped) rsync -azH --exclude "*.xml" --exclude "*.gif" --exclude "*.sh" --exclude "*.txt" --exclude ".*" ${CaseInputFile}/ ${QuNexRawInbo
--> Batch file transfer check: pass
--> Mapping file transfer check: pass
--> DICOM file count in input folder /input/SCANS: 4312
--> DICOM file count in output folder /home/docker/volumes/hcppipelines/asaf/sessions/002/inbox: 34
--> DICOM mapping check: fail
ERROR. Something went wrong.
ERROR. Something went wrong.
===> run_turnkey acceptance testing map_raw_data logs for completion.
===> run_turnkey acceptance testing found comlog file for map_raw_data step:
===> ERROR: run_turnkey acceptance test for map_raw_data step failed.
Is there a way to use run_turnkey more efficiently?
Thank you,