[RESOLVED] Error in processing QuNex registration

Hello QuNex Team!

I am trying to register for QuNex, but I cannot access the QuNex GitLab.
When I click on the confirmation link, I get a page that says there was an error in the registration process and the following message appears.
I have tried several times to register, but the same error persists.
I would appreciate it if you could tell us how to deal with this problem!

We have encountered an error when trying to send registration information to the FSL team.
We apologize for the inconvenience. Please, resubmit your registration form later and notify the The QuNex Team if the error persists.

Best Regards,
Toshiharu Kamishikiryo

Hi Toshiharu,

Before reading this I already sent out an email to you since I noticed that you are tried to register twice. I will give you access to our GitLab with containers and code manually.

We are working on a fix to the registration server, it should be up by the end of next week at the latest (probably earlier).

Best, Jure

Hi Jure,

Thanks to your kind support,
I was able to manually gain access to GitLab.
Thank you.


Same issue here, would it be possible to add me manually as well? Was hoping to present your recent developments to lab members later this week.

Hi Markus,

Sure, if someone did not reach out to you yet, please send me your name and surname to jure.demsar@ff.uni-lj.si and I will add you promptly.

Best, Jure

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We are migrating the registration code to a new server, which will take a couple of extra days.

If you wish to register in the meantime, please drop an email to jure.demsar@ff.uni-lj.si and I will register you manually.

Best, Jure

Registration should be up and running again.

Best, Jure