QuNex 0.99.2d release


Next version of QuNex will be released next week if all goes to plan. These are the new things in this version:

  • fc_compute_wrapper now checks if input files exist.
  • Removed some race conditions in parallel runs.
  • Added better reporting in case FM numbers are missing in the batch file.
  • Allowed custom setup of POS/NEG pairs in hcp_diffusion.
  • Now you can onboard processed HCP data along with unprocessed.
  • QuNex DWI pipelines now supports microstrucutre modelling (NODDI).
  • Improved the file locking mechanism.
  • Fixed a bug with a non-existing parameter in DeDriftAndResample.
  • Added support for the HCP ApplyAutoReclean Pipeline (hcp_apply_auto_reclean).
  • Improved support for SEBASED hcp_bold_biascorrection in hcp_fmri_volume.

If there are any issues, please post them on this forum and we will do our best to resolve them.


Hi @demsarjure, thank you for the releases.

I was just trying the updated qunex_suite-0.99.1.sif, and it seems /opt/HCP/hcp-asl does not exist, causing hcp_asl to fail with error 127: /bin/sh: process_hcp_asl: command not found. I was wondering if I was missing something maybe? Thanks!

Zhen-Qi Liu


thanks for reporting this. We are aware of this issue and are preparing a hotfix (0.99.2) that will fix this. It should be released next week.

For the time being, please use 0.98.6a if you need HCP ASL functionality. Thank you for understanding.

Best, Jure

0.99.1 and 0.99.2 fixed some minor bugs regarding HCP ASL and the robustness of parameter parsing. 0.99.1 is already uploaded to our repository, 0.99.2 should be there soon.

Verison 0.99.2d is the latest and fixes some issues with missing R packages that are required for hcp_icafix and versions of some Python libraries.