[RESOLVED] Many Qunex commands produce unnecessary folders


When running Qunex commands from any directory, they produce many different folders that are usually expected for the general Qunex study folder structure, but are not necessary for the executed commands. Probably that is some common problem for all qunex commands, since it occured for all commands that I have tested. Below I am attaching just one example command that resulted in the described error.


cd /gpfs/loomis/pi/n3/Studies/MBLab/sWM_sm/analysis/activation/GLM

qunex g_ExtractGLMVolumes flist="…/sWMsm_A1_n25.list" outf=“sWMsm_A1_n25_coc_encoding” effects=“c_encoding,oc_encoding” saveoption=“by session”


No log files were created, because the command was run in the interactive node. The example of the readout from the Terminal.

Qu|Nex folder /analysis/scripts not found. Generating now…
Qu|Nex folder /processing/logs/comlogs not found. Generating now…
Qu|Nex folder /processing/logs/runlogs not found. Generating now…
Qu|Nex folder /processing/lists not found. Generating now…
Qu|Nex folder /processing/scripts not found. Generating now…
Qu|Nex folder /processing/scenes/QC/T1w not found. Generating now…
Qu|Nex folder /processing/scenes/QC/T2w not found. Generating now…

Hi Nina, we have assigned a developer to this issue. We will let you know once it is resolved.

We pinpointed the source of the issue and this should be patched in the next release candidate version.