Potential bugs qunex 1.0.3

Dear Jure,

I found some potential additional bugs in the version 1.0.3.:

  1. Enabling motion correction in ica reapply fix gives the error:
Fri Jan 31 17:06:00 CET 2025:ReApplyFixMultiRunPipeline.sh: While running '/opt/HCP/HCPpipelines/ICAFIX/ReApplyFixMultiRunPipeline.sh --path=/project/qunex_project/sessions/ses1/hcp --subject=ses1 --fmri-names=1@2@3@4 --concat-fmri-name=fMRI_CONCAT_ALL --high-pass=0 --reg-name=NONE --low-res-mesh=32 --matlab-run-mode=0 --motionregressionTRUE --deleteintermediatesFALSE':
Fri Jan 31 17:06:00 CET 2025:ReApplyFixMultiRunPipeline.sh: ERROR: unrecognized option: '--motionregressionTRUE'
Fri Jan 31 17:06:00 CET 2025:ReApplyFixMultiRunPipeline.sh: ERROR: unrecognized option: '--motionregressionTRUE'
  1. map_hcp_data assumes that a motion parameters file ending with _hp0_clean (“(…)/MNINonLinear/Results/4/Movement_Regressors_hp0_clean.txt”), which I cannot create due to the issue descibed in point 1.

I would be glad to know if I am specifiying the parameters wrongly here. Still, everything works perfect in version 0.100.0.

Thank you for the effort!



Hi Thomas,

Thanks for reporting this, this seems an issue on our end as the motion correction parameter is not passed correctly to downstream scripts (--motionregressionTRUE should be --motionregression=TRUE).

Will fix this and bundle it in the next release.

Best, Jure

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